CERN Accelerating science

CERN participates in the 2015 Google Summer of Code

The CERN PH/SFT group is participating for the fifth year in the 2015 Google Summer of Code programme.

The Google Summer of Code is a global programme funded by Google that offers post-secondary student developers a three month stipend to write code for open source software projects. It brings together students and mentors of participating open-source software organizations from many countries all over the world. 

The CERN PH/SFT group participates to the programme with mentors from several software projects. This year the group has received the support from Google for a record number of 14 students. The software projects in which they are involved are ROOT, with six participating students, Geant4 and GeantV with five students, CERNVM with one student and, in addition, a participation of the SixTrack project with two students. SixTrack is a numerical accelerator simulation software project from the Beam department.

The coding period has officially started the 25th of May and will last for three months. The students are expected to report the final results of their work in an open meeting and make their written code publically available.