CERN Accelerating science

Let's talk science: Hangout with CERN

Every Thursday at 17:00 Geneva-time, physicists and other scientists from CERN present a YouTube show to talk to members of the public about their research. The medium used is the Google+ social network and its Hangouts On Air platform.
A Hangout is essentially a multi-user video chat that can be broadcast on YouTube, allowing us at CERN to converse with people all over the globe. Questions are usually taken from Twitter (using #askCERN) or from the comments in the YouTube stream.

Steven Goldfarb and Mick Storr during the CERN first public hangout that was aired on 1st November 2012. 
When each Hangout goes live, you can watch the video at CERN's Google+ page or YouTube Channel with recordings stored online. Up to 1000 people watch the live streams, with around ten times as many watching the recordings.
Hangout with CERN at the Cryloab.
The outreach programme has had three successful series, and will be back after a short summer break for series four. In the past, we have had scientists explain the latest news on the Higgs boson, talk about the LHC's worldwide computing grid, take school students on virtual visits to underground experimental caverns, and tackle the question of extra dimensions (with special guests Lisa Randall and Raman Sundrum).

If you are interested in participating, write to