What drove you into particle physics? I grew up in an environment that was keen on science. Both of my parents were doctors. My father was a well-known academic surgeon who held appointments at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of…
Read moreWhile the temperature is rising and the summer has started, we are in the middle of this year’s LHC run and the non-LHC experiments are also taking good data. The machines and the LHC experiments show excellent performance, with problems appearing…
Read moreJet substructure (JSS) has emerged as a powerful framework for studying the Standard Model (SM) and provides a key set of tools for probing nature at the highest energy scales accessible by terrestrial experiments. While not an…
Read moreThe Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) experiment with the associated Beam Dump Facility (BDF), currently under consideration for implementation in the SPS ECN3 beam facility, is designed to perform a generic and exhaustive search for feebly…
Read moreWho breaks Electroweak symmetry? It sounds like a simple question and the Standard Model of Particle Physics, the prevailing theory for the last half century, has a simple answer - it’s the Higgs. The Standard Model theory predicts that the Higgs…
Read moreThe first high energy beams of the LHC on July 5th 2022 marked the start of the third Run of the LHC. While still harvesting and exploring in depth the physics of the first two runs, the LHCb experiment has undergone a major upgrade [1]. Ninety…
Read moreThe masses of particles are some of the fundamental parameters of nature, and their precise measurement remains a key experimental challenge. However, when propagating through a medium, environmental effects can change the effective mass of a…
Read moreWhile the new Inner Tracking System detector, ITS2, could finally start its data taking in nominal operation for the RUN3 of LHC, ALICE is already working at replacing the three innermost layers during LS3. The ITS3 (Fig.1) is a new vertex detector…
Read moreThe story starts in September 2022 while, during the ECAL Operations meeting our veteran electronics expert, Evgueni Vlassov reported that the voltage in one of the control cards was unstable. He prophetically proposed that the cause might be water…
Read moreAll atoms heavier than bismuth, which has 83 protons, are radioactive and their isotopes have short half-lives, with few exceptions. As a result, the study of heavy atoms and their molecular compounds is complicated by the radioactive decay of the…
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