CERN Accelerating science


Can AI help us to find tracks?

Data science (DS) and machine learning (ML) are amongst the fastest growing sectors in science and technology, not at least due to their strong rooting in industrial and commercial applications. Global players such as Google, Facebook and Amazon…

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Axion-like particle searches at the LHC

The Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics is plagued by some longstanding conceptual and practical questions, and we have to go beyond the Standard Model to address them. A guiding principle of the Standard Model is that we should expect to see…

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LHC's upgrade takes shape

A ground-breaking ceremony was held on the 15th of June, to celebrate the start of civil engineering work for a major upgrade to the LHC . When completed in 2026, the HL-LHC will produce a five to seven times higher rate of…

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Weighing up the LHC’s future

As the LHC’s 2017 run drew to a close late last year, CERN hosted a workshop addressing future physics opportunities at the flagship collider. The first workshop on the physics of High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and perspectives at High-Energy LHC (HE-…

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Developing radiation hardness electronics for future detectors

Particle colliders generate an extremely large amount of high-energy interactions in order to produce and detect very rare events that can be used to improve our understanding of the underlying physical laws. In doing so, a significant background is…

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The Lifetime Frontier

It bear repeating that there must be physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). The triumphant discovery of the 125 GeV Higgs Boson sharpens the Hierarch Problem, with naturalness suggesting new particles at the TeV scale. A multitude of interlocking…

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LHC community prepares the High Luminosity Upgrades

With the approval of the CERN Council in June 2016, the LHC is now moving toward execution of the High Luminosity upgrades. As well, after the first step of approval by scientific committees at the end of 2015, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations were…

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Interview with Guido Tonelli

Guido Tonelli, former spokesperson of the CMS experiment and one of the protagonists of the Higgs boson discovery, discusses the meaning of one of the major breakthroughs of the century, as well as the importance of pushing beyond the current limits…

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