CERN Accelerating science

March 2023 - May 2023

B anomalies: hopes, disillusions, and future prospects.

Within the Standard Model (SM) the basic constituents of matter are the three "families" (two quarks and two leptons) with different quantum numbers, that completely determine the properties of these particles under the three fundamental forces…

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A word from the Deputy Head of the EP department - March 2023

Dear Colleagues, dear Members of the EP Department and CERN Users, It’s my pleasure to invite you to the reading of the spring edition of the EP Newsletter.  The way this fantastic wealth of results and achievement is springing forth really…

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The Higgs boson and the prospects for elementary particle physics

Particle physics has expanded its scope to include a wide range of topics from very low to very high energies. Its core questions, though, remain the same: to identify the fundamental interactions that govern the universe, and to demonstrate that…

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New ATLAS result weighs in on the W boson

For the past 40 years, the W boson has been making headlines. In the 1980s, the announcement of its discovery helped confirm the theory of the electroweak interaction – a unified description of electromagnetic and weak forces. Today, measurements of…

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LHCb’s unique approach to real-time data processing

The LHCb collaboration is currently enhancing its unique system of data filtering, Real Time Analysis, by installing a 2nd set of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) in the trigger system. Current technology does not allow all LHC proton-proton…

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Upgrading the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter Readout Electronics for Phase-2

The CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) was designed to provide excellent energy resolution for electrons and photons in the challenging, high-radiation environment of the Large Hadron Collider [1]. In particular, the excellent design energy…

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The IRRAD Proton Facility Journey to get new detector systems ready for the Long Shutdown 3

The proton irradiation facility (IRRAD) at the PS East Area was built during the LS1 to cope with the increasing needs for radiation tests of the experimental community working for the HL upgrade of the LHC and beyond. The IRRAD facility, operated…

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CERN team maps the sPHENIX Solenoid at BNL

In November 2022 the magnet service team of the Detector Technology group performed the mapping of the superconducting solenoid in the sPHENIX experiment at BNL (US). The two-week long campaign was the culmination of preparations that started during…

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FLOTUS: a new addition to the CLOUD experiment

The Flow TUbe System (FLOTUS) during its installation at CLOUD, November 2022. Credit: Maximilien Brice, CERN   Introduction Atmospheric aerosols are tiny solid or liquid particles that are suspended in the Earth's atmosphere. Aerosol particles…

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Chronicles of SND@LHC’s first year of data taking

The year 2022 saw the culmination of 18 months of intense preparatory work with the SND@LHC Collaboration entering the highly anticipated phase of commissioning with beam and first year of data taking. After the installation of the neutron shield…

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