CERN Accelerating science


SFT participates in 2013 Google Summer of Code

In 2013, CERN/SFT is participating in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) for the third time, following previous years' great experiences. The group submitted proposals for a variety of projects, covering a wide range of their activities. More…

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SFT group participation in EPLANET project

SFT group is participating in the Scientific Computing Work Package (WP8) of the EPLANET project ( The main objective of EPLANET is to create and reinforce networks for joint research projects and for high-…

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Interview with René BRUN

Rene joined CERN in 1973. While working with C. Rubbia at the ISR he developped the HBOOK package still in use today. In 1975 he was in charge of the simulation and reconstruction software for NA44 where GEANT1 and GEANT2 were created. In 1981…

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A new iOS application for CERN

The SFT and the Education Group at CERN are joining forces and present a new iOS application for CERN. The application gives to the users real time information on the status of the LHC and live displays of LHC events from the four experiments: ALICE…

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C++ and CERN

In 1998, about fifteen years after its invention, C++ became a standard. Not in the sense of a few vendors agreeing on a minimal feature set, but in the sense of the standard for screws, paper and photographic film: a standard governed by the rules…

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Google Summer of Code

In 2013, CERN PH/SFT will apply to participate for a third year in Google Summer of Code, a global program that offers student developers stipends to write code for open source projects. The program was launched in 2005 and since then it has…

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The Concurrency Forum at CERN

The successful processing of more than 15PB of data recorded by the LHC experiments in 2012 led to extraordinary discoveries in the field of HEP. The CPU hardware that will be at our disposal to treat the total projected data volume after the Lond…

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