The ATLAS collaboration recently celebrated its 30th anniversary following the submission of the experiment’s Letter of Intent in 1992 and has accomplished great achievements during these years. However, it is still a young experiment, with only 6%…
Read moreThe ATLAS experiment is a general-purpose particle detector operating at the LHC. It consists of several concentric layers of particle detectors occupying a cylindrical volume 46m long and 25m in diameter. The innermost detectors reconstruct the…
Read moreQuantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions, is characterised by a rich phase diagram. The elementary coloured degrees of freedom of the theory, quarks and gluons, under ordinary conditions are confined in colour-neutral hadrons…
Read moreThe CMS experiment is one of the four large experiments at the LHC and a detailed description of the detector's inner and outer layers can be found here. The detector successfully operated with LHC collisions since 2010 leading to the Higgs…
Read moreThe LHCb detector provides unique precision coverage of the forward region at the LHC, enabling world-leading studies of flavour physics and more. The collaboration is currently installing the first major upgrade of the detector. This upgrade will…
Read moreThe LHCb experiment is currently being upgraded to continue its study of beauty and charm hadrons at a five times higher instantaneous luminosity in LHC Run 3 that is now set to start in 2022. At the increased luminosity, these hadrons are produced…
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