CERN Accelerating science


LHCb observes CP violation in charm

*/ We live in a Universe of matter, which is a good thing but poses a problem: We know that in the Big Bang initially as much matter as antimatter was produced, and that the antimatter somehow disappeared. How this happened is one of the questions…

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Trigger strategies for the LHCb experiment

The LHCb experiment has finished a very successful data taking period in Run 2, collecting an additional 6 inverse femtobarns of proton-proton collisions. A significant modification to the Reconstruction and Trigger system of LHCb was implemented…

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Upgrading the vertex detector of the LHCb experiment

In LS2 the LHCb detector will go through a metamorphosis. To facilitate running at five times larger interaction rate than in run 2 all readout electronics will be replaced. For LHCb’s vertex detector, the so-called ‘vertex locator’ or VELO, the…

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LHCb plans for major upgrade during LS2

During the previous LHC runs, the LHCb experiment collected 10 fb-1  and performed many important measurement in the heavy flavour sector. However, many crucial measurements are statistically limited, with experimental precision not directly…

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VeloPix, a new hybrid pixel readout ASIC for the LHCb upgrade

*/ The LHCb-VELO group, which is composed of several institutes from the UK, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, Brazil and CERN are constructing an upgraded version of the VErtex LOcator (VELO) to be installed and commissioned during the long shutdown LS2…

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Heavy-ion collisions at Quark Matter 2018

CERN experiments presented their latest results from the study of lead-ion collisions at the annual Quark Matter conference, that was held this year in Venice, Italy. The programme includes a plethora of presentations on a variety of topics,…

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New season starts for the LHC experiments

The last 2017 proton-proton collisions took place on 28 November and the LHC machine was shut down during the winter period to allow for planned technical interventions while the LHC experiments profit from this period to perform…

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VeloPix, a new hybrid pixel readout ASIC for the upgrade of the VELO detector of LHCb.

The LHCb-VELO group, which is composed of several institutes from the UK, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, Brazil and CERN are constructing an upgraded version of the VErtex LOcator (VELO) to be installed and commissioned during the long shutdown LS2 in…

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LHC experiments present results in Moriond Conference

This year saw the 53rd meeting in the series "Les Rencontres de Moriond". ATLAS and CMS presented impressive results (see pictures) of searches for new phenomena, setting boundaries to where the new physics can still exist. These limits severely…

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Searching for leptoquarks at the LHC

Last month, Admir Greljo (University of Mainz) and Abdollah Mohammad (Kansas State University, US) during the Collider Cross Talk, gave a comprehensive overview of the theoretical and experimental aspects in leptoquarks searches. Leptoquarks are…

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