Following two years of maintenance and consolidation work, the Long Shutdown 1 officially ended on 5 April 2015, when the first proton beams circulated the LHC. Now the LHC experiments are getting ready to operate once more and record the first…
Read moreAs the preparations for Run2 are coming to an end, and the first collisions are scheduled to take place in a few weeks, the control rooms of the LHC experiments have become hives of activity, getting ready to record the first data. Run Coordinators…
Read moreOn Saturday 7 March, two of the LHC experiments saw proton beams for the first time after a two-year stop. Beam 2 (anticlockwise) made it through LHCb at 10.30 and Beam 1 (clockwise) passed through ALICE at 17.…
Read moreIt is now 18 months that LHCb has not seen any particle beam passing through the experimental area, and the collaboration is eagerly waiting for the start-up of Run II in spring 2015. But before this, the LHCb detector and all its services required…
Read moreWhen Jean-Daniel Colladon, a 38-year-old Swiss professor at the University of Geneva, demonstrated in 1841 for the first time light guiding due to total internal reflection in a jet of water [1], he may hardly have divined the range and importance…
Read moreThe LHCb test beam programme is motivated by the upgrade of the experiment scheduled for installation in 2018/19, which requires the redesign of major components of the existing tracking and particle identification systems. The…
Read moreThe PH department, in partnership with the HSE, the fire brigade, and the Group Leaders In Matters Of Safety (GLIMOS), conducts annual exercises to ensure safety at CERN. This year, as part of the continuous effort to improve even more the safety…
Read moreLHCb is a high precision experiment devoted to the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model by studying CP violation and rare decays in the b and c-quark sectors. By searching for deviations from the Standard Model due to virtual…
Read moreAn unforgettable first act is drawing to an end for LHCb: incredibly productive data taking during LHC run 1, followed by a long shutdown (LS1), packed full with many tasks and at the same time ever increasing activity on the upgrade of the…
Read moreMany of you have contacted me recently concerning the LHC detector upgrades, with some questions about the planning of future work. It is true that the one year stop after the LHC incident in September 2008, the need of a further shutdown to…
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