The Magnet Safety System (MSS) is a critical system that ensures the safety of experimental magnets, both warm and superconducting. It was developed within EP-DT for the LHC experiments, starting at the end of the 90’s, in the framework of the…
Read moreExperimental particle physics at the energy frontier has been performed with colliding beam accelerators and particle detectors. Superconducting magnets for these detectors and for physics experiments including astroparticle physics have much…
Read moreThe RD50 collaboration “Radiation hard semiconductor devices for high luminosity colliders” is working on the development of radiation-tolerant silicon sensors for the detectors of the HL-LHC (High Luminosity-LHC) experiments and started to…
Read moreThe RD53 collaboration presented the RD53A large scale pixel chip demonstrator in 65nm CMOS technology as a vital milestone to make viable pixel detectors for the ATLAS and CMS phase 2 upgrades. The RD53 collaboration has during the last 4…
Read moreDetectors are what makes particle physics an experimental science. Pushing detector technologies and facilities beyond the frontiers of scientific innovation is critical in advancing high-energy physics. As such, current detectors must be improved…
Read moreThe DT group, provides centralized resources and expertise in terms of personnel and facilities, for the development of future detector technologies, R&D and contributes to detector construction projects. Thank to the vast range of…
Read moreIntroduction Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGDs) are a family of detectors with gas as active medium. They were conceived in order to overcome the limitations of the Multi-Wire Proportional Chambers (MWPCs) [1] with respect to position…
Read moreFrom left to right, L.Deront, S.Ravat and A.Kehrli in front of the Safety and Control system racks developed and manufactured in PH-DT for the COMPASS solenoid. The PH-DT Instrumentation and Controls team has being developing a new safety system…
Read moreThe PH-DT irradiation facilities team operates the Proton Irradiation Facility (IRRAD) at the PS East Area and the Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) located at the SPS North Area. Moreover, the team provides support in planning irradiation…
Read moreOn Friday 5 December, NASA's new Orion spaceship, a capsule built to take humans further into space than ever before, made its first test flight. The flight marked the first time, since Apollo 17 was launched to the moon in 1972, that a spacecraft…
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