CERN Accelerating science

#LHCb experiment

Exploration with LHCb: from unseen to rare

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LHCb VELO closes fully for the first time

At the end of October, the two halves of the new Vertex Locator (VELO) approached the LHC proton-proton collision point in a process referred to as VELO closing - following the installation of the upgraded detector.  Replacing the previous…

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Installation of the second half of the LHCb SciFi detector

The installation of the first half of the LHCb SciFi detector was already discussed in a previous EP newsletter article. The second half also proved to be rather challenging. First of all, the remaining six C-frames had to be assembled. Following…

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Installation of the critical first half of the LHCb SciFi detector progresses

The LHCb SciFi tracker is the replacement of the Outer Tracker (based on gas straw tubes) and the Inner Tracker (Silicon microstrips) by a single detector technology (see also a previous EP newsletter article and a CERN Courier article). The…

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Anomalous measurements: recent LHCb results deepen flavour puzzle

The crown jewel of particle physics, the Standard Model (SM), has withstood numerous experimental trials. However, there are still some observations it cannot explain. Examples such as dark matter and the matter-antimatter imbalance in the Universe…

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