Earlier this month, the Large Hadron Collider reached an unprecedented milestone of 100 inverse femtobarns – equivalent to 10 million billion collisions – delivered to the ATLAS and CMS experiments in 2024, with 28 days of proton-proton collisions…
Read moreGreat progress has been made in the ATLAS operation since the last EP news article. There we presented the fantastic Phase-I upgrades of the ATLAS detector installed during LS2, described the steps towards their commissioning, and summarized…
Read moreThe Baryon Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) is recognized for performing the most precise measurements of the fundamental properties of antiprotons and protons, such as the 16 p.p.t. precision measurement of the antiproton-to-proton charge-to-…
Read moreThe Strategic R&D Programme on Technologies for Future Experiments of the EP Department (EP R&D) develops the detector technologies needed for the next generation of High Energy Physics experiments and recently concluded phase I (2020-2023)…
Read moreDear colleagues, As I write in mid-September, the days are getting shorter and colder, and we are in the midst of marking the 70th birthday of CERN, with the community party on 17th September, and the official celebrations on 1st October. It is an…
Read moreIn April 2024, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration released their first cosmological results [1]. These results made the news primarily because they showed some hints of dynamical dark energy (see the article in the same…
Read moreDESI has made the largest 3D map of our universe to date. Earth is at the center of this thin slice of the full map. In the magnified section, it is easy to see the underlying structure of matter in our universe. Claire Lamman/DESI…
Read moreThe ALICE experiment has successfully resumed physics data-taking in RUN 3 following a major upgrade of its detectors and data acquisition system during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 (LS2). While a portion of the delivered luminosity in 2022 was allocated…
Read morePhoto of LHCb collaboration members gathered in the control room in April 2024. The LHCb experiment achieved significant milestones by the end of 2023, despite the challenges related to the LHC vacuum incident in the Vertex Locator (VELO) volume and…
Read moreOn April 5th, 2024, stable beams returned to the LHC, marking the official start of the 2024 physics data-taking season. The photo captures CMS' Run Coordination team in the newly upgraded CMS control center, ready to oversee the exciting season…
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