CERN Accelerating science


CMS Open data in use

“[...]  The release of data could create a community of users which may be nurtured through regular events organized by CMS.[...]” This is a phrase in the CMS data preservation, re-use and open access policy, which was first approved seven and…

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A new home for GEM detectors at CERN

Since the beginning of  2019, a new building at CERN is ready to house ongoing R&D activities that will push the performance of detectors to cope with the high performance of the LHC. Building No.107 (replacing the building 102) offers a…

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The GEMs of CMS

To prepare for the higher collision energy and luminosity of the subsequent running period of the LHC significant improvements are ongoing in the CMS detector. One of the planned upgrades is the installation of large-area GEM detectors in the…

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CMS Trigger: Lessons from LHC Run 2

The CMS experiment has a two-level trigger system [1], to reduce the number of events stored from the LHC bunch crossing rate of 40 MHz to around 1 kHz. The first level (the Level-1) uses custom electronics to reduce the rate of events to 100 kHz,…

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Can AI help us to find tracks?

Data science (DS) and machine learning (ML) are amongst the fastest growing sectors in science and technology, not at least due to their strong rooting in industrial and commercial applications. Global players such as Google, Facebook and Amazon…

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Removal of the CMS beam pipe during Long Shutdown 2

The CMS detector is built from several different layers, surrounding the beam pipe in which the LHC beams collide. The subdetector that is closest to the collisions is the pixel detector. It has a functionality similar to a digital camera taking 40…

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INSIGHTS: A new network of statistics for HEP and beyond

Following the success of the AMVA4NewPhysics network, a new 4-year Innovative Training Network funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission will develop new statistical methods and boost the use of machine learning (ML) to solve…

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CMS upgrade plans for LS2

To achieve the full benefit of the HL-LHC, CMS must continue to be able to reconstruct at the much higher luminosity all the standard physics analysis objects with high efficiency, low fake rate, and high resolution. Excellent electron, photon, and…

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Higgs boson observed decaying to bottom quarks

Last month, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations jointly announced the discovery of the Higgs boson decaying into a matter-antimatter pair of bottom quarks. Previously, the Higgs boson has been observed decaying to photons, tau-leptons, and W and Z…

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Mapping the CMS inner tracking system with unprecedented precision

In an experiment like CMS, it is important to know where all the detector material is. For example, in order to properly simulate the detector response, you need to know not only where the sensors are, but also the locations of the inactive material…

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