In early 2019 the CMS Phase-1 Pixel detector was extracted from the underground cavern after successful completion of the LHC Run 2 data taking campaign. Its sub-detectors, the Barrel Pixel (BPIX) and Forward Pixel (FPIX) detectors, were stored cool…
Read moreAfter several years of complex design, manufacture and planning, the CMS collaboration, in tight cooperation with experts of the CERN Technology Department-Vacuum, Surfaces, and Coating group, have been installing the new heart of the detector, the…
Read moreThe quest for new physics at the LHC is entering a new phase: the experiments are designing new strategies to target potential deviations from the Standard Model (SM) predictions in a systematic way, to complement the traditional “bump hunts” and,…
Read moreThe CMS experiment is one of the four large experiments at the LHC and a detailed description of the detector's inner and outer layers can be found here. The detector successfully operated with LHC collisions since 2010 leading to the Higgs…
Read moreAmong the sciences, particle physics has the luxury of having a well established theoretical basis. Often we focus on the elementary particles and model them mathematically with quantum field theories like the Standard Model. In order to compare…
Read moreThe four main LHC collaborations (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) have unanimously endorsed a new open data policy for scientific experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which was presented to the CERN Council today. The policy commits to…
Read moreSearching for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) is a major part of the research programme at the LHC experiments. Nearly all of these searches pick a signal model that addresses one or more of the experimental (e.g., dark matter) or…
Read moreIt can be called the achievement of the year for the CMS Muon GEM group, culminating on a decade-long effort and development of knowhow. The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) is a Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD) widely used in particle physics.…
Read moreIn statistical data analysis, “likelihood” is a key concept that is closely related to, but crucially distinct from, the concept of “probability”, which is often a synonym in everyday English. In this article, I first lay some necessary…
Read moreOne of the major objectives of CMS for LS2 is an early phase-2 electronics upgrade of the Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC), located on all three endcap disks, and the installation of one layer of triple Gas Electron Multiplier Chambers (GEM) on the…
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