During the 2018 FCC week in Amsterdam, Michael Campbell (EP-ESE) gave a presentation on the “Present and future of microelectronics”. Following an informative review of ASICs used in the LHC run one systems, he tried to distinguish recent trends in…
Read moreIn elementary-particle physics as in most fields of science, advances in understanding are closely coupled to advances in technology. Machines of higher luminosity open opportunities for the observation of rare and unexpected processes while higher-…
Read moreRADECS (RADiation Effects on Components and Systems) is the yearly European conference gathering world-class scientists in the field of radiation effects in electronics devices and systems. This year the conference has been organised by the…
Read moreThe RD53 collaboration presented the RD53A large scale pixel chip demonstrator in 65nm CMOS technology as a vital milestone to make viable pixel detectors for the ATLAS and CMS phase 2 upgrades. The RD53 collaboration has during the last 4…
Read moreThe 3rd workshop on medical applications of spectroscopic X-ray detectors took place at CERN from 20-23 April. There were 113 registered participants of which about 50 were from industry. All of the major medical equipment suppliers active in the…
Read moreIt is of paramount importance that all parts of an LHC experiment are synchronized to each other and to the passage of particles in the centre of the experiment. The original CMS Timing, Trigger, and Control (TTC) system made this possible…
Read moreTriggering at the LHC is a challenge: during Run-1 in ATLAS, the task was to select out of the 40 million bunch crossings per second the 1000 events most promising for data analysis. The first of three levels of this selection is the Level-1 trigger…
Read moreThe PH Electronic Systems for Experiments (ESE) group is involved in the development, construction and qualification of electronics for detector readout systems and for related infrastructure for CERN experiments; it also provides unique…
Read moreIn June 2013 the LHCC has endorsed the establishment of a new R&D collaboration, RD53, to address the challenges of making readout integrated circuits for the phase 2 pixel detector upgrades of ATLAS and CMS, as well as long term developments of…
Read moreLast November, the success of the LAA R&D project that led to the development of microelectronics at CERN was celebrated. LAA was a well-defined R&D activity for the study of new detection techniques for the next generation of hadron-…
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