CERN Accelerating science

A word from the EP Department Head - June 2024

Dear Colleagues in EP,

With great pleasure, I would like to invite you to read this edition of the EP newsletter...


Interviews & Features

In-Depth Conversation with John Preskill

In this exclusive interview, we sit down with John Preskill (Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at CALTECH), a pioneering physicist and leading expert in quantum computing.


Exploration with LHCb: from unseen to rare

Enhanced by a newly upgraded detector, LHCb continues to push the boundaries of flavor physics, promising further significant discoveries.  


NextGen Triggers: Pioneering R&D for HL-HC Data Acquisition and Event Processing

The NextGen Triggers project aims to advance R&D on innovative data acquisition, online computing technologies, and machine learning approaches for the ATLAS and CMS experiments thus maximizing their potential.


Edge SpAIce: Leveraging CERN's AI for Real-Time Ocean Plastic Tracking from Space

The Edge SpAIce project applies CERN's AI technology to monitor Earth's ecosystems from space, tracking ocean plastic pollution.


Looking in all directions for long-lived particles at the LHC

Driven by the hunt to unravel new physics, several small projects emerged within the Physics Beyond Colliders Initiative, complementing ongoing searches at the LHC and maximising the physics output. Some of them are already taking data, while others being in earlier stages are eagerly waiting to start.  


SHiP Experiment: Charting New Territory in Particle Physics

CERN's SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles) experiment, starting in 2031, aims to explore hidden sectors beyond the Standard Model to address mysteries like dark matter and neutrino masses. 


Results from the experiments

Studying FIPs with FASER - recent news

FASERν's high-resolution emulsion detector effectively analyzes high-energy neutrino interactions from LHC collisions, focusing on charged-current events and managing background from neutral hadrons.


ITS3 and FoCal: Two new subdetectors to extend ALICE’s physics reach

CERN's dedicated heavy-ion physics experiment, ALICE, is enhancing its capabilities with an upgraded Inner Tracking System and the addition of a forward calorimeter in preparation for the next phase of the LHC upgrade.


Highlights from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station

Recent findings have shed light on the Sun's enigmatic charge-sign effect, the mysterious nature of cosmic deuterons, and unveiled a revolutionary detector upgrade that's pushing the boundaries of space exploration.


Probing Anomalies: CMS experiment investigates possible hints of new physics

CMS collaborations is investigating intriguing excesses in their Run 2 and Run 3 data. Further analysis and upcoming data from Run3 could provide clarity on these potential signals.


Discover how CERN's innovative cryostat technology is advancing neutrino physics

Two cryostats, prepared and ready for shipment to the Sanford Underground Research Facility, will soon help explore the mysteries of the strong force, with assembly beginning in July 2025.


A high-dimensional jet-powered measurement of the strong force

ATLAS has released a groundbreaking machine learning-enabled measurement of 24 properties of high-momentum Z boson events. This innovative dataset, accessible via Jupyter notebooks, offers new precision for exploring the strong force.


MoEDAL-MAPP Experiment’s Quest for Anomalously Charged Avatars of New Physics

Exploring the groundbreaking search for new physics beyond the Standard Model with the MoEDAL-MAPP experiment at the LHC.


Special Features


ATLAS Open Data: Ushering in Transparency and Collaboration in Particle Physics Research

ATLAS Collaboration at CERN is furthering scientific transparency and collaboration through its Open Data Initiative.


Unlocking New Possibilities: LHCb's Latest Open Data Releases

The LHCb collaboration at CERN has made its extensive Run I and II datasets publicly available, offering researchers and educators unprecedented access to data on particle interactions.


CMS Releases Extensive 13 TeV Collision Data for Open Science

The CMS experiment at CERN has unveiled a treasure trove of scientific data, releasing 13 TeV proton-proton collision data from previous runs. Join the global community in exploring the frontiers of our universe.


Groundbreaking Observation of Quantum Entanglement in Top Quarks at the LHC

Researchers using the ATLAS and CMS detectors at CERN's LHC observe quantum entanglement in top quark pairs thus opening new avenues for exploring complex quantum phenomena.

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