CERN Accelerating science

June 2021 - August 2021

CERN's irradiation facilities eye to the future

CERN operates several unique in-house radiation-test facilities and makes use of a broad variety of external facilities to satisfy the needs of users from experiments and equipment groups in the Research and Computing (RCS) and Accelerators and…

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The installation of the beam pipe at the heart of the CMS experiment

After several years of complex design, manufacture and planning, the CMS collaboration, in tight cooperation with experts of the CERN Technology Department-Vacuum, Surfaces, and Coating group, have been installing the new heart of the detector, the…

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A word from the EP Deputy Department Head - June 2021

Dear colleagues in EP,   Welcome to the summer edition of the EP newsletter, which is packed with material related to the work in our department, that we hope you will find interesting. Despite the ongoing pandemic there has been…

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How different are electrons and muons after all? Discovering lepton flavour universality violating new physics

Introduction The discovery of the electron in 1897 by Thomson, Wiechert and Kaufmann might be considered the starting date of elementary particle physics, as still today the electron is considered to be a fundamental particle. From there on it took…

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Anomalous measurements: recent LHCb results deepen flavour puzzle

The crown jewel of particle physics, the Standard Model (SM), has withstood numerous experimental trials. However, there are still some observations it cannot explain. Examples such as dark matter and the matter-antimatter imbalance in the Universe…

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New pathways in axion searches

Peering through telescopes we have found a deluge of evidence for dark matter. Given the speed that galaxies rotate, as well as theoretical calculations about the evolution of large-scale structure in the Universe, dark matter should make up 85% of…

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Setting a roadmap for R&D on Detector Technologies

Research is a global game, yet to be successful requires coordination at regional, national and international level. The success of the LHC programme highlights the role of open-door policies and diverse bottom-up community initiatives in…

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Designing gas transport parameters for future HEP experiments

Fig. 1 Large experimental  systems at LHC, comprising various gaseous detectors covering thousands of m2, providing tracking and triggering for muons. Given their large areas and cost effectiveness, particle physics experiments rely heavily on…

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Mighty magnets for particle detectors

The ATLAS Magnet Team, part of the EP-ADO-SO section, has the principal responsibility for the maintenance and operation of the ATLAS Superconducting Magnets. This effort is supported by a large number of colleagues, in particular from EP-DT, TE-CRG…

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FASER Detector Installation

During March the FASER detector was successfully installed into the LHC complex. FASER, a new small LHC experiment, designed to search for light, weakly interacting new particles in the LHC collisions was proposed in 2017, and after review by the…

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