After three years of challenging and intense upgrade activities and installation campaigns of LHC Long Shutdown 2 [1], ALICE started global commissioning in July to embark on a new data-taking period. Upgraded detectors and their new readouts were…
Read moreTo reach Run 3 physics goals, ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) [1] must collect all minimum-bias data for an interaction rate (i.e., number of collisions each second) of 50 kHz for Pb–Pb and up to 1 MHz for pp collisions. This is two orders…
Read moreThe Inner Tracking System (ITS) is the innermost detector of the ALICE central barrel. It consists of seven cylindrical layers all equipped with Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) named ALPIDE (ALice PIxel DEtector). The ITS allows track ing…
Read moreQuantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions, is characterised by a rich phase diagram. The elementary coloured degrees of freedom of the theory, quarks and gluons, under ordinary conditions are confined in colour-neutral hadrons…
Read moreThe ALICE time projection chamber (TPC) is a big, gas-filled cylinder (with a hole in the centre to accommodate the silicon tracker), where the charge produced by ionising radiation is projected onto detectors arranged in the two endplates.…
Read moreAround the world,research centres, laboratories and universities have closed as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic — forcing an increasing number of researchers to work from home. Researchers teleworking coordinated with colleagues who had to…
Read moreThe LHC is the latest scientific tool in a long line of increasingly sophisticated machines built over the last 70 years to study the inner workings of our Universe and the laws governing its microscopic structure and evolution. Decades-long…
Read moreSubstantial improvements to the current experiments at the LHC are underway, and new experiments are being proposed or discussed at future energy-frontier accelerators to answer fundamental questions in particle physics. At future hadron colliders,…
Read moreIntroduction ALICE, the heavy-ion dedicated experiment at the LHC, will soon have enhanced physics capabilities with a major upgrade of the detectors, data-taking and data-processing systems which will improve the precision of the extracted…
Read moreThe purpose of any trigger system is to select an event sample strongly enriched in physics processes of interest, while rejecting those not of interest, and to do so in such a way as to make efficient use of the available detectors. The prime…
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