During the second long shutdown of the LHC, the LHCb experiment is undergoing a full metamorphosis to be able to collect an unprecedented data sample starting from next year [1]. This upgrade of LHCb has been designed to be able to operate at five…
Read moreConventional mesons and baryons consist of a quark-antiquark and three quarks respectively. However, particles with an alternative quark content, known as exotic states, have been actively discussed since the birth of the constituent quark model in…
Read moreThe LHCb detector provides unique precision coverage of the forward region at the LHC, enabling world-leading studies of flavour physics and more. The collaboration is currently installing the first major upgrade of the detector. This upgrade will…
Read moreIn 2003, the Belle collaboration reported the observation of an unexpected new particle, showing up in the mass spectrum of J/ψ π π candidated. Its mass was somewhat close to the value expected for the yet unobserved χc1(2P) charmonium, but its…
Read moreAround the world,research centres, laboratories and universities have closed as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic — forcing an increasing number of researchers to work from home. Researchers teleworking coordinated with colleagues who had to…
Read moreThe LHCb experiment is currently being upgraded to continue its study of beauty and charm hadrons at a five times higher instantaneous luminosity in LHC Run 3 that is now set to start in 2022. At the increased luminosity, these hadrons are produced…
Read moreSubstantial improvements to the current experiments at the LHC are underway, and new experiments are being proposed or discussed at future energy-frontier accelerators to answer fundamental questions in particle physics. At future hadron colliders,…
Read moreIn 1977 John Ellis made a bet with a student, Melissa Franklin, “If you lose this game of darts,” Franklin said, “you have to use the word ‘penguin’ in your next paper.” John Ellis lost and as a result he coined the term Penguin decays while…
Read moreThe LHCb experiment is undergoing a significant upgrade during LS2 in order to allow it to run at a five times higher instantaneous luminosity in LHC Run 3. In order to deal with the corresponding increase in pileup per bunch crossing, most of the…
Read moreIn the Standard Model all leptons are equal. The W and Z bosons as well as the photon couple equally to electrons (e), muons (μ) and taus (τ), a rule that is known as lepton universality. The only exception is the Higgs boson, that couples according…
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