In a talk at the CERN auditorium on 14 April Nobel laureate and Former DG Carlo Rubbia reviewed the case for a muon-antimuon (µ+µ-) collider. The interest in building a so-called "second-generation" Higgs factory that would allow better…
Read MOREThe 2015 European School of High-Energy Physics (formerly the CERN–JINR School of Physics) will take place from 2 to 15 September 2015 in Bansko, Bulgaria. It is organised and sponsored by CERN and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR),…
Read MOREOver the last weeks, while everyone has been excited with the restart of LHC, the NA62 experiment at CERN has already started producing data, following the circulation of the first beams in the injector chain in 2014. The experiment focuses in…
Read MOREThe CMS Run Coordination team is made up of three people: Christoph Schwick and myself as co-Run Coordinators and Silvia Goy Lopez as coordinator of the Detector Performance Groups. Together we manage the commissioning and operation of the CMS…
Read MOREThe past several months were particularly important for the NA61/SHINE programme on strong interactions. This period was crowned by the ongoing beam energy scan with argon-scandium collisions. Here the key events are summarized, but first NA61/…
Read MOREOne of the safety challenges faced by the PH Department is how to provide safety training and raise awareness for the large number of users. Most of them visit CERN only for short periods of time, thus they often do not have the chance to…
Read MORECOMPASS, a “COmmon Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy”, is a multipurpose high-energy physics experiment at the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). Following the approval of the project in 1997 the spectrometer was installed in…
Read MOREThis year, the SPS accelerated argon ions for the first time, delivering beam to the NA61/SHINE experiment in the North Area. NA61/SHINE explores the phenomenon of deconfinement by studying the collisions of ions of different masses, at different…