Plastic scintillator is one of the most used active materials in high-energy physics. The “3D printed Detectors” (3DET) collaboration was formed in 2019 with the goal of investigating and developing additive manufacturing as a new production…
Read moreConventional mesons and baryons consist of a quark-antiquark and three quarks respectively. However, particles with an alternative quark content, known as exotic states, have been actively discussed since the birth of the constituent quark model in…
Read moreJuly 23rd 2021 was a sad day for the world of theoretical physics, which witnessed the passing of three giants of the field: Steven Weinberg, Toshihide Maskawa and Miguel Virasoro. Weinberg and Maskawa were awarded Nobel Prizes for their…
Read moreYou will stand across the street from the ISOLDE facility, when visiting CERN’s medical center, fire fighters, raw materials store, transport teams, or goods reception service. Located centrally at the Meyrin site (…
Read moreThe discovery of a new particle in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN was just the beginning in understanding the properties of this particle and its potential link to some of the most pressing fundamental questions in modern physics.…
Read moreIt was reported in the previous edition of the EP Newsletter (1) that the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update (EPPSU (2) recommended that “Organised by ECFA, a roadmap should be developed by the community to balance the detector R&D…
Read moreGoogle Summer of Code is a programme that brings together students wanting to code for Open Source software projects and mentors who can introduce them to exciting projects and the full software development cycle. As a major supporter of Open Source…
Read moreMany experiments in particle physics use custom-built electronics boards in order to perform event triggering and data readout. For many years now, those electronics boards have been using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) for processing data.…
Read moreGroup photo after the installation of the last sector of NSW-A. On the right is NSW-C with the first three sectors installed at the time. The New Small Wheel (NSW) upgrade is an ambitious project that aims to allow, along with other upgrade projects…
Read moreIn early 2019 the CMS Phase-1 Pixel detector was extracted from the underground cavern after successful completion of the LHC Run 2 data taking campaign. Its sub-detectors, the Barrel Pixel (BPIX) and Forward Pixel (FPIX) detectors, were stored cool…
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