Right-handed neutrinos: the missing piece of the puzzle? The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is one of the most successful scientific theories ever developed. Together with the theory of General Relativity it can describe most of the…
Read moreA year ago, as the first reports of COVID-19 infections started to reach us from China, it was almost certain that none of us really foresaw the impact that the pandemic would have on our lives and on high-energy physics as a field in 2020. As…
Read moreThe four main LHC collaborations (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) have unanimously endorsed a new open data policy for scientific experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which was presented to the CERN Council today. The policy commits to…
Read moreThe Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) study [1] was launched in 2016 by the CERN Management to explore the possibilities of exploiting the full potential of CERN's accelerator complex via projects complementary to collider experiments. Following calls…
Read moreDear Colleagues in EP, Welcome to this winter edition and final EP newsletter of this year. What a year turns to its end! 2020 is a year we will never forget. Following a smooth start to the year, in March everything turned upside down and since…
Read moreWith the discovery of the Higgs boson, particle physics has reached an era of unprecedented success. Almost all phenomena in nature can in principle be explained with known particles of the Standard Model (SM). Some puzzles still remain unsolved,…
Read moreThe quest to fully understand the internal structure of hadrons, in particular the dynamics as well as the spatial and momentum distributions of their constituents - the partons -, inspired a large community of theoreticians and experimentalists to…
Read moreWe have been deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Stephanie Zimmermann, an outstanding physicist, who has made a long-lasting contributions to the ATLAS experiment. Stephanie was involved in the Muon Detector Control System activities…
Read moreAlthough neutrinos were discovered more than 60 years ago, they are the most mysterious particles in the Standard Model (SM). While the present data collected at the neutrino experiments can explain several neutrino properties, there are still at…
Read moreSearching for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) is a major part of the research programme at the LHC experiments. Nearly all of these searches pick a signal model that addresses one or more of the experimental (e.g., dark matter) or…
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