CERN Accelerating science

December 2021 - February 2022

ALICE ITS3 clears major milestone

With the R&D for the first truly cylindrical detectors based on ultra-thin, bent, wafer-scale monolithic silicon sensors, the ALICE collaboration aims at installing new vertex layers (“ITS3”) in LHC Long Shutdown 3. The envisioned setup…

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The Gamma Irradiation Facility GIF++ during and beyond Run 3

The two CERN Irradiation facilities operated by EP-DT - the IRRAD in the PS East Area and the GIF++ in the SPS North Area - deliver essential services to the HEP community, with the focus on validating and optimising detector technologies for the…

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Flavour anomalies tracking attention

The Flavour Anomaly workshop took place in a successful hybrid format at the main Auditorium at CERN and the virtual world on 20th October. Pass sanitaire and workshop badge in hand, more than 80 participants could attend the event in person, while…

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New prospects for the Physics Beyond Colliders programme

Particle physics is often equated with high energy collider experiments. However, over recent years it has become increasingly clear that high intensity and high precision experiments offer significant, complementary opportunities to explore physics…

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ATLAS prepares for Run 3 as protons are back in the LHC

Since the start of LS2, ATLAS has undergone an intense maintenance and consolidation programme to meet the challenges of Run 3 of the LHC, and fully exploit the available physics opportunities. This includes the installation and commissioning of…

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PHYSTAT - Systematics Workshop

The PHYSTAT-Systematics meeting, held remotely in early November, was the latest in a series of  PHYSTAT events. Begun in 2000, these were the first Workshops focused on statistical issues in particle physics. They started at CERN, which has…

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Introducing the "25 by 25" initiative

The principles of diversity and inclusiveness are enshrined in CERN’s Code of Conduct. They have been strategic for CERN as they lie at the heart of excellence while also reflecting the diversity of its Member States. Furthermore, the need to…

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Findings of the ECFA Roadmap for R&D on Detector Technologies

In two previous newsletter editions (1, 2) the process to develop a Roadmap for R&D on Detector Technologies was reported. As recommended in the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update (EPPSU) (3), ECFA has set up the Detector R&D…

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Medipix3 reaches the clinic

In early October, the CERN Medipix Team (EP-ESE-ME) visited the newly installed Medipix3-based spectroscopic CT scanner at the Lausanne University Hospital CHUV, Lausanne. The 3D colour X-ray scanner has been developed in New Zealand by MARS…

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Prestigious Award for Quantum Logic Spectroscopy

In October, the prestigious Dissertation Prize of the Section Atoms, Molecules, Quantum Optics and Plasmas (SAMOP) of the German Physical Society was awarded to Peter Micke for his seminal work demonstrating quantum logic spectroscopy on highly…

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