Dear Colleagues in EP, Welcome to the first edition of the EP newsletter in 2022. Let me take a few words to introduce myself – my name is Richard Hawkings, and I started as one of the two deputy department heads in January, taking over from Roger…
Read moreEven though the Standard Model of Particle Physics is incredibly successful and provides extremely accurate predictions for many physical quantities and mechanisms, the model is known to be incomplete. For instance, it fails in explaining the…
Read moreIn 1928, a young Paul Dirac wrote one of the most spectacular papers of modern physics when he successfully unified two distinct theories, quantum mechanics and special relativity. What arose from his equations was a prediction of a new form of…
Read moreFor the first time since the launch of the FCC feasibility study, the FCC physics community gathered to reflect the status and achievements of FCC Physics, Experiments, and Detectors studies and initiate new activities. The fifth FCC Physics…
Read moreMagnetic monopoles (MMs) are hypothetical fundamental particles that carry isolated magnetic charge that are arguably the most important particle yet to be discovered. In 1931 Dirac first showed that a MM was compatible with quantum mechanics…
Read moreAxion-like-particles (ALPs) are a vast family of hypothetical particles. They are among the most compelling candidates for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), because their existence is associated to broken symmetries, which are ubiquitous in…
Read moreAs the LHC marks the start of the final countdown to Run 3, the LHCb experiment is preparing to commission its new detector. The upgrade will allow the collaboration to pursue its physics programme into the High Luminosity era. LHCb aims to fully…
Read moreThe EP-ESE group has finalized the development of a 64 channel picosecond TDC (Time to Digital Converter) ASIC and 20 thousand pieces have been produced. One of the key challenges for future HEP experiments is the development of very high time…
Read moreOver two years ago we wondered if a new era for calorimetry was starting [1]. Compelled by the results reported in the Technical Design Report (TDR) of the High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) for the upgrade of the CMS detector in Phase-2 of the…
Read moreThe Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), now under construction, is a long baseline neutrino experiment with a near detector at Fermilab and far detector at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota to observe neutrinos…
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