CERN Accelerating science

Newsletter Articles

The ALICE collaboration has recently released several measurements on the production of anti-deuterons and anti-3He in proton-proton and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energies. These results are not only  interesting for the study of the hot QCD…


In an experiment like CMS, it is important to know where all the detector material is. For example, in order to properly simulate the detector response, you need to know not only where the sensors are, but also the locations of the inactive material…


*/ The LHCb-VELO group, which is composed of several institutes from the UK, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, Brazil and CERN are constructing an upgraded version of the VErtex LOcator (VELO) to be installed and commissioned during the long shutdown LS2…


The study of antiprotons in cosmic rays is an exciting field of research today. Cosmic ray antiprotons are believed to be produced when the high-energetic particles interact with the interstellar gas forming secondary particles. Such collisions are…


Detection of solar axions If axions exist, they would be produced in large quantities in the solar interior. Photons from the solar plasma would convert into axions in the Coulomb fields of charged particles via the Primakoff axion-photon conversion…


What's the point of investing fortunes into answering questions in advanced physics? 100 years ago, we might have asked the same questions of Schroedinger, Bohr, Heisenberg, Dirac, and the other pioneers of the quantum revolution. After all — what…


Continuous improvements to the CLOUD facility as well as to the instruments combined with the state of the art know-how available at CERN have enabled a steady increase in the measurement capabilities and resulted in numerous high impact…


The ATLAS and CMS experiments physics programme at the HL-LHC will target a very wide range of measurements, including in-depth studies of the Higgs boson properties and direct searches for physics beyond the standard model (BSM). Timing detectors…