The effort to address the remaining open questions of the Standard Model lies at the core of the HL-LHC physics programme and informs current design studies for post-LHC colliders (CLIC, FCC-ee, FCC-hh) as well as new fixed target experiments…
Read MOREMoEDAL, the LHC’s newest experiment [1], that started official data taking in 2015, is different to other collider detectors. It is currently comprised of passive tracking, using plastic Nuclear Track Detectors (NTDs) and trapping sub-detectors that…
Read MOREDuring the previous LHC runs, the LHCb experiment collected 10 fb-1 and performed many important measurement in the heavy flavour sector. However, many crucial measurements are statistically limited, with experimental precision not directly…
Read MOREThe ALICE solenoid re-opens its door as the collaboration prepares for the detector upgrade planned for LS2. At 6 a.m. on December 3, 2018, the LHC expert team switched off the engine of the biggest particle accelerator in the world, which will…
Read MOREThe ALPHA collaboration working on antihydrogen at the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) in building 193 has successfully expanded their setup with new devices. The previous setup consisted of a positron accumulation device, accumulating positrons from a…
Read MOREThe two general purpose LHC Experiments, ATLAS [1] and CMS [2], are going to be confronted with challenging experimental conditions at the High Luminosity LHC Run (HL-LHC), starting in 2026. In particular, computing systems will have to cope with…
Read MOREDesigning detectors to meet the physics requirements of future high-energy experiments calls for a strong R&D program on new detector-systems. This includes sensors technologies, fast and efficient electronics, mechanics and cooling techniques…
Read MOREIntroduction The CERN Neutrino Platform was installed in 2014 following the recommendation of the European Strategy Group for CERN to engage in the worldwide experimental neutrino program. The platform engaged from the start in the future Deep…