The proton irradiation facility (IRRAD) at the PS East Area was built during the LS1 to cope with the increasing needs for radiation tests of the experimental community working for the HL upgrade of the LHC and beyond. The IRRAD facility, operated…
Read MOREIn November 2022 the magnet service team of the Detector Technology group performed the mapping of the superconducting solenoid in the sPHENIX experiment at BNL (US). The two-week long campaign was the culmination of preparations that started during…
Read MOREThe Flow TUbe System (FLOTUS) during its installation at CLOUD, November 2022. Credit: Maximilien Brice, CERN Introduction Atmospheric aerosols are tiny solid or liquid particles that are suspended in the Earth's atmosphere. Aerosol particles…
Read MOREThe year 2022 saw the culmination of 18 months of intense preparatory work with the SND@LHC Collaboration entering the highly anticipated phase of commissioning with beam and first year of data taking. After the installation of the neutron shield…
Read MOREThe precise measurement of time and frequencies has always played an important role in the history of science. Since the adoption of the caesium-133 standard as the definition of the second within the Système International (SI) in 1967, a network of…
Read MOREThe recently proposed High Intensity Kaon Experiments (HIKE) project offers a long-term vision for a research programme at CERN, covering experimental searches in the kaon sector that could enable a new generation of searches and indirectly probe…
Read MOREIntroduction The upcoming upgrade of the LHC to the HL-LHC will pose significant challenges to the detectors due to the enhanced radiation levels and the increase in the number of pile-up interactions. To meet the increased demands, CMS has…
Read MOREThe start of the High Luminosity LHC is approaching at a fast pace. In order to be ready with its upgraded front-end electronics and data acquisition systems, ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) community is now entering the production phase, after a…
Read MOREThe milliQan collaboration is on track to finish the installation and commissioning of their Run 3 detector before the end of the YETS, Components of both the “bar” and “slab” detectors have been placed in a tunnel above the CMS experimental cavern…
Read MOREThis year saw the long-anticipated start of the LHC Run 3, and the excitement was tangible in the ATLAS control room during the afternoon of the 5th of July when the LHC proton beams were expected to be brought into stable beam collisions, for the…