CERN Accelerating science


LHCf and cosmic ray investigation in run 3

Installation location of the LHCf Arm2 detector in the absorber region 140m right of the ATLAS interaction point   The first LHCf special run of the LHC Run 3 was successfully completed in September 2022, with the LHC providing the highest…

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Casting light on the dark sector of the universe

On axions The cosmologically established cold dark matter (CDM) makes about 84% of the Universe's total mass. In the era of precision cosmology, the composition of the CDM remains a mystery. Among the proposed hypothetical particles which could…

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Highlights of the n_TOF 2022 data taking run

The outcome of the first year of data-taking after LS2 [1] was fruitful for n_TOF. The long beam-on period, along with the establishment of a third experimental area, the NEAR Station, resulted in a wealth of new experimental data taken at the…

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10 Years of operating the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station

AMS, passed the milestone of its first 10 years of continuous operation on the International Space Station. AMS is a particle physics detector designed to measure antiparticles, particles, and nuclei of rigidity (momentum/charge) ranging from the GV…

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ASACUSA excites antimatter hybrid atoms immersed in superfluid helium

When atoms are immersed into liquids, their atomic spectral lines at visible wavelengths become greatly broadened compared to those of single, isolated atoms. A million-fold increase in the linewidth is often observed, which obscures spectroscopic…

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n_TOF restarts its experimental programme

Following the installation of the new spallation target during LS2 and the successful commissioning during the 2021 run [1,2], the n_TOF Collaboration started in March, this year, an intense experimental programme for all three experimental areas of…

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SND@LHC gears up for data taking

The last fifteen months have been a full-fledged race against the clock for the SND@LHC Collaboration. The experiment was approved by the Research Board in March 2021 with the goal of taking data in Run 3 of the LHC. The Collaboration has had to…

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Testing CPT-symmetry and the Weak Equivalence Principle with Proton/Antiproton Clock Comparisons

Even though the Standard Model of Particle Physics is incredibly successful and provides extremely accurate predictions for many physical quantities and mechanisms, the model is known to be incomplete. For instance, it fails in explaining the…

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MoEDAL’s Searches for Magnetic Monopoles Produced via The Schwinger Mechanism

Magnetic monopoles (MMs) are hypothetical fundamental particles that carry isolated magnetic charge that are arguably the most important particle yet to be discovered. In 1931 Dirac first showed that a  MM was compatible with quantum mechanics…

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ISOLDE's Solenoidal Spectrometer (ISS): a new tool for studying exotic nuclei

The majority of atomic nuclei exist away from the valley of beta-stability, so it is perhaps unsurprising that in studying them nuclear physicists have discovered emerging phenomena not seen in stable nuclei. Changing shell structure, evolving…

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