One overarching objective of science is to further our understanding of the universe, from its early stages to its current state and future evolution. This depends on gaining insight on the universe’s most macroscopic components, for example…
Read MORESearches for dark matter (DM) particles, an essential experimental goal for particle physics, are entering in an interesting stage. Despite the strong astrophysical evidence for dark matter, little is still known about the origin and dynamics of…
Read MOREThe long-standing discrepancy between the experimental value and the Standard Model (SM) prediction of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon remains one of fundamental parameters in Quantum Field Theory that still lacks an explanation. The…
Read MOREThe COMPASS++/AMBER Collaboration proposes to establish a “New QCD facility at the M2 beam line of the CERN SPS”. Such an unrivalled installation would make the experimental hall EHN2 the site for a great variety of measurements to address…
Read MORECERN is not only home to the LHC but provides a diverse physics programme using the LHC injector complex including the PS and the SPS that deliver a range of high-energy beams to a number of experiments. In order to fully exploit the scientific…
Read MOREEven if neutrino oscillations were discovered more than 20 years ago, our knowledge of mixing, flavor oscillation and CP violation in the neutrino sector is still far from the precision achieved for quarks. CP violation in the quark sector was…
Read MOREOn March 5th the CERN Research Board approved the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment (FASER), for installation at the LHC during Long Shutdown 2. FASER is an experiment designed to broaden the search for new physics at the LHC, by looking for light, weakly-…
Read MORESince the beginning of 2019, a new building at CERN is ready to house ongoing R&D activities that will push the performance of detectors to cope with the high performance of the LHC. Building No.107 (replacing the building 102) offers a…
Read MORETo prepare for the higher collision energy and luminosity of the subsequent running period of the LHC significant improvements are ongoing in the CMS detector. One of the planned upgrades is the installation of large-area GEM detectors in the…