The BASE collaboration has performed the most precise measurements of the fundamental properties of the antiproton in order to test CPT invariance as fundamental symmetry of the Standard Model [1, 2] and to search for dark matter-antimatter…
Read MOREThe 4th FCC Physics and Experiments workshop is part of the FCC Innovation Study Kickoff event, which will address the mandate issued by the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics: "Europe, together with its international partners,…
Read MOREThe CERN NA62 collaboration presented at the ICHEP 2020 conference the first significant experimental evidence for the ultra-rare decay of the charged kaon into a charged pion and two neutrinos (K+ -> π+νν). The decay process is very sensitive to…
Read MOREDiamond – beyond its allure as a jewel – exhibits an array of unique physical characteristics such as its hardness, the highest room thermal conductivity of any material (while being electrically insulating when undoped); it can also be doped to…
Read MOREThe strength of the interaction between the Higgs field and a particle determines the mass it obtains from the Higgs and it is a mystery why the interaction strength is different for different particles. This puzzle is exacerbated as the leptons,…
Read MOREBSM searches at the LHC increasingly profit from ML techniques since this approach allows more general searches that minimise the probability of missing evidence of new physics. Very recently, the ATLAS collaboration has published a novel approach […
Read MORETwo recent ATLAS results that showcase the full range of the ATLAS physics potential, from precision to rarity, were shown at LHCP and presented at a recent CERN LHC seminar. A test of the universality of τ and μ lepton couplings in W boson…
Read MOREAround the world,research centres, laboratories and universities have closed as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic — forcing an increasing number of researchers to work from home. Researchers teleworking coordinated with colleagues who had to…
Read MOREThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognizes aerosols (small nanometer to micrometer sized particles suspended in air) as the single biggest source of uncertainty in human-driven climate change. Atmospheric aerosol particles are…