The upgrade of the near detector of the T2K experiment became in April 2019 an official CERN Neutrino Platform experiment (NP07). As a consequence an increased detector assembly activity has been started at CERN over the last months. This will…
Read MOREA High-Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) using Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGAD) silicon sensors is being constructed for the ATLAS phase-II upgrade program as a powerful way to address the challenges of the High-Luminosity LHC program [1]. The goal…
Read MOREDuring the LHC Long Shutdown 2 (2019-2021), many subsystems of the CMS experiment are being upgraded including its muon system. This is located on the outer part of the experiment and consists of various types of gaseous chambers. The muon system…
Read MOREAfter three years of challenging and intense upgrade activities and installation campaigns of LHC Long Shutdown 2 [1], ALICE started global commissioning in July to embark on a new data-taking period. Upgraded detectors and their new readouts were…
Read MOREThe Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) is almost over and CERN, along with the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is preparing to welcome the Run 3 next year. As part of the preparation for Run 3, during the last two weeks of October, LHC circulated…
Read MOREPlastic scintillator is one of the most used active materials in high-energy physics. The “3D printed Detectors” (3DET) collaboration was formed in 2019 with the goal of investigating and developing additive manufacturing as a new production…
Read MOREJuly 23rd 2021 was a sad day for the world of theoretical physics, which witnessed the passing of three giants of the field: Steven Weinberg, Toshihide Maskawa and Miguel Virasoro. Weinberg and Maskawa were awarded Nobel Prizes for their…
Read MOREThe discovery of a new particle in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN was just the beginning in understanding the properties of this particle and its potential link to some of the most pressing fundamental questions in modern physics.…